Moving Stillness: My Meditation Journey Part 1

The following post is the first in a four-part series on developing a meditation practice by Kellis McSparrin Oldenburg, a graduate of our Yoga Pedagogy program and, most recently, an Independent Study student with TaraMarie Perri. Kellis currently lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she is a company member of the Marigny Opera Ballet.  She is … Continue reading

The Mindfulness of Fiction

The following piece was written by Brianna Goodman, copy and features editor for MindBodyBrew. Brianna teaches yoga with The Perri Institute for Mind and Body in New York City. She recently graduated from Fordham University, where she studied English and creative writing.  The Harry Potter series was my first. Not the first books I read, not … Continue reading

Mindfulness Moves off the Mat

The following post was written by Liz Beres, a NYC-based dancer, dance teacher, and yoga teacher certified by The Perri Institute for Mind and Body. Liz currently teaches yoga privately and at various gyms, including that of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY through Plus One. She is continually intrigued by and appreciative of the power of mind/body … Continue reading

The Puzzle of Home

The following piece was written by Kathy Hartsell, a fellow yoga instructor and mind-body practitioner who studies alongside the Mind Body Dancer® community. She writes from Boston, MA. For me, the notion of home takes the form of a puzzle. This puzzle teeters on a rickety shelf in my heart, cozied up next to a variety … Continue reading

Off the Grid: Bringing it Home

The following post was written by Callie Ritter, a certified yoga teacher through The Perri Institute for Mind and Body, and a Restorative Exercise Specialist as of summer 2015. She’s professionally trained the connection to her body and movement as a Modern dancer for over 15 years; she aims to spend the future helping others in … Continue reading

Study Sessions: Mathew James

Mindbodybrew is ultimately about providing a space for written reflection at every step along the yoga path. We hope that by sharing assignments from our Teacher Trainees, we can expand their deep investigation into community-wide dialogue. The following is a piece written by one of our newest, current trainees, Mathew James, regarding one of Patanjali’s … Continue reading

Study Sessions: Marissa Wiley

Mindbodybrew is ultimately about providing a space for written reflection at every step along the yoga path. We hope that by sharing assignments from our Teacher Trainees, we can expand their deep investigation into community-wide dialogue. The following is a piece written by one of our newest, current trainees, Marissa Wiley, regarding one of Patanjali’s … Continue reading

Take a Summer Pause and Pose

What is it about the days of August that make us feel like summer is ending? Everyone starts small-talking about how quickly it all went by. Every year right around August 15th, we feel a shift in the light and air. I often wonder if this has something to do with our many years of … Continue reading

On the Mat: Clear Your Mat, Open Your Mind

Something about the start of a New Year makes me want to eliminate clutter, reorganize files, and start fresh in my home environment. I am a minimalist by nature, but even I have been in a whirlwind space-clearing mood for the last week or so. I look forward to letting go of possessions I no … Continue reading

On the Mat: Standing on Your Own Two Feet

Having spent the last couple of days in New York City being pummeled by Superstorm Sandy, I have been thinking a lot about standing on my two feet. When I walk through deep puddles, negotiate slippery leaves, or brave strong gusts of wind, it is interesting how I need to consider the quality of each … Continue reading

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