Monday Mantra: Demons

A favorite story of mine to start your Monday (and perfect for Halloween week): “One evening Milarepa returned to his cave after gathering firewood, only to find it filled with demons. They were cooking his food, reading his books, sleeping in his bed. They had taken over the joint. He knew about nonduality of self … Continue reading

Mystery and Secret

When I was attending acting conservatory, we were encouraged to read a book called Audition, by Michael Shurtleff. The book offers instructions to actors as they prepare for auditions, by way of twelve guideposts. One of these guideposts is titled Mystery and Secret. In this guidepost, Shurtleff advises the actor that once he has completed … Continue reading

Monday Mantra: Shift

“To shift the direction of our planet, we must now be willing to experiment with the theory that within the speed and stress, we are good.” – Sakyong Mipham So many reasons why this sentiment might appeal to you with the current state of our shared world and your personal pathway. Thoughts? – TaraMarie Perri

Finding Gaps, Together and Alone

A few weeks ago, TaraMarie posted a Monday Mantra piece that, based on the level of response in the comment section, seemed to really strike a chord in our community. (You can access the post, which might redefine your notion of laziness, here). In thinking about trying to insert some “gaps” into my life, I … Continue reading

Monday Mantra: Warriorship

“The essence of warriorship, or the essence of human bravery, is refusing to give up on anyone or anything.” – Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior This past weekend, our group of training teachers and I investigated the Warrior postures for alignment, safe teaching, and expression. We discussed the specific humanity of … Continue reading

The Energy of Oils: Earth Prana

This past August, I decided to get out of New York and take a step back.  I needed some time to reflect on the year that had just passed.   I was beginning to feel like New York wasn’t really doing it for me. That moment when you need a break from the hustle of the … Continue reading

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